Traditionally, executive aircraft pilots have the best safety records of any segment of general aviation. Flying into and out of smaller, less congested airports contributes to the overall safety of your trip, too. Our aircraft are ranked the highest in their class for safety and comfort. So charter to maximize the safety and peace of mind for yourself and your staff.
Venture has proudly implemented a ICAO/IBAC IS-BAO/FAA-Compliant Safety Management System (SMS) to provide a Uncompromising commitment to your safety and security. From Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) to our Flight Risk Analysis tool for every trip, we have a continuous process for improvement.
We are a legal aircraft charter service company. For your safety, we do advise all travelers to protect themselves by avoiding illegal charter services and ask for copies of air carrier certificates before every flight. If you would like to learn more about avoiding illegal charters, please click here.
Come see for yourself the Venture difference.